Saturday, 7 April 2012

Week 8 into the 12WBT!

So it's the last day of week 8 for all us 12wbter's & WOW what a trip it has been.  I am constantly surprised at how much things can change in such a short time frame.  My fitness level has improved immensely, my exercise habits are becoming more consistent & my food habits are improving though this is the hardest one that I am struggling with to get under control.

I had my 1st gain last week, I wasn't surprised as it was TTOTM (that time of the month) plus I had been sick the week before & no matter how sick I am I always eat for comfort :(  So I was expecting a gain luckily it was only 0.7kgs so not as bad as I thought it could of been.  I OWN my number & decided fine next week I am going to kick arse :)

I have done some good work out's but I did allow myself a treat or 2, as I think it's unrealistic not to be able to live in the normal world without doing this from time to time.  I do think back & I know how much better I am with my decision making when it comes to food choices & the quantity I am going to allow myself to indulge in.  1 day or 1 night out is NOT going to undo all my HARD WORK, just means I have to work harder after an indulgent time is had & enjoyed.

So the next 3 days I have to give it my all to make sure those scales are nice to me on Wednesday, weigh in day.  I am having a battle with myself you see my next target is to be in the 70's which is so close & I feel like I am self sabotaging myself from getting there.  Only 2.5kgs away from being 79.9kgs, I just need to FOCUS & make this happen & stop telling myself it's too hard coz I know from personal experience this is POSSIBLE & I DESERVE it so why do I keep going up & down when I am so close.  NO more EXCUSES but some BLOODY hard work from ME is needed, so here goes!!!

So i'm in week 8 of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation you need to redo your Fitness Test & I am happy with my results & my improvement, it's really gratifying to see how far I have come in such a short time.  So here are my results :)

1km Time Trial, Wk 1: 7 mins & 36 secs, Wk 8: 6mins & 44 secs, (52 secs faster)
Push Up Test, Wk 1: Toes 0, Knees 26, Wk 8: Toes 5, knees 30.
Abdominal Strength Test, Wk 1: Level 3, Wk 8: Level 3 (remain the same so close to Level 4 though)
Wall Sit, ( I detest this) Wk 1: 24 secs, Wk 8: 1min & 20 secs (56secs longer)
Sit & Reach, Wk 1: +21cm, Wk 8: +24cm (I have always been flexible plus I have short legs)

So when I see my figures in black & white it makes my brain think, I have done pretty DAM good & I need to take some of my praise that I give to others & give myself a BIG pat on the back too.  I am the one making this happen for myself no-one else can take credit for my achievements.  I can THANK people for their inspiration, for the helpful tips they have shared for the encouraging & supportive words they have given me but ultimately I have to THANK myself for making the change & giving myself the LIFE I deserve with the positive attitude that really is needed when embarking on this sort of journey.  The mind is a powerful tool we can either let it hold us back or we can open it up to discover what else we have in ourselves, I know which option I am taking.

Just wanted to share a photo of myself that I got my hubby to take of me, when I was all dressed up ready to go out.  I never get photos of myself but now that I am feeling a bit more comfortable in my skin I want more photos taken to document my journey & my progress to see how far I have come. I am a visual person when it comes to seeing the difference.  This was taken Friday 6th of April, i'm off out to celebrate my friend's birthday.

Current weight 82.4kgs (from last weigh in)

I will let you know how weigh goes for me on Wednesday this week, my aim is to be 77.4kgs by the time I go to Melbourne on May 17th 2012, this will mean that my total weight loss will be at the 20kg mark & I will only be in the overweight range for my BMI currently I am still obese.

Thanks for reading my blog & remember it's all about creating the LIFE I deserve, Happy Easter :)