Monday 7 May 2012

Round 1 finished & completed!

So after 16 weeks all up I completed the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation, YAY!!!!

What a journey that was, meet some awesome & amazing ladies through this program thanks to some wonderful groups I found on Facebook :)  I achieved some goals, lost some weight & discovered I am stronger & more dedicated than I thought I was.

Ok so the journey is far from over for me & the last 16 weeks didn't happen without some slip ups along the way, but all & all I am happy at how far I have come & know that I can only keep on getting better with each day that passes & that I proceed to continue to live with my new habits as a life style.  This wasn't just for 16 weeks & now I am going back to my old way of living this was a new way for me to live & a much better & happier way for me to live.

So with Round 1 under my belt these are my final results:

Weight Loss Results:
Weight loss from September 2011 = 17.5kgs
Weight loss from 16th Jan 2012 = 12.5kgs
Weight loss from 13th Feb 2012 = 6.8kgs

Centimeters Lost Results:
CM's gone from September 2011 = 108cms
CM's gone from 16th Jan 2012 = 66cms
CM's gone from 13th Feb 2012 = 37cms

Fitness Test Results:
1km Time Trial: Wk1: 7mins & 36secs Wk2: 6mins & 30secs (1min & 6 secs faster)
Wall Sit: Wk1: 24secs Wk2: 2 mins ( 1min & 36secs longer)
Sit & Reach Test: Wk1: +21cms Wk2: +24cms
Push Ups On Toes: Wk1: 0 Wk2: 5 (not my strongest area here)
Push Ups On Knees: Wk1: 26 Wk2: 30 (only a slight improvement, an area I need a lot of work on)
Ab Strength Test:  No change stayed on level 3.

So I made some improvements overall, I can see & feel that I much fitter then I was at the start of the year & my confidence in myself is improving I am feeling a bit more comfortable in my own skin.  I am not where I want to be as of yet but I am on my way & that is something worth smiling about & being proud of.

Too many times we beat ourselves up on what we didn't achieve & how we didn't succeed with the expectations of ourselves.  I have come to understanding that I am not doing that anymore as it isn't productive & it's not helping me to get where I want to go.  I read this quote & it rang truth to me & I when I find myself feeling this way I remember this quote & say it to myself.

It's not that I am unhappy where I am at & it's not that I begrudge the people who are doing well, it's just sometimes I wish I was doing better.  So instead I will remember this quote & remember that we all achieve our goals in our own time & as long as I keep working at it & staying positive I too will get to my ultimate goal :)

I am half way through my weight loss journey, I didn't make the 10kg loss like I had wanted to in the 12 weeks & I didn't get to 79.9kgs on my last weigh in but I did still lose 12.5kgs in 16 weeks & I say CONGRATS to me for that :)

However the day after the last official weigh in day I was 79.9kgs, so I am in the 70's, HOORAY!!!!

I have not signed up for Round 2 as $$$ were a bit short, I do have the tools that I need that I learnt from Michelle Bridges & I have the wonderful support from my groups with the amazing ladies that I was telling you about & I have my inner strength that WANTS ME to succeed, so I think I am prepared & ready to continue with the next phase of my weight loss journey.

Thanks again for taking the time out to read my story & for the lovely support & kinds words that are given & I look forward to sharing more with you as I travel further along my path of Creating the LIFE I deserve :)

( Just remember Michelle gave us the push, but we have done the hard work, so remember to thank yourself too)

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